Bridging the Expanse

Bridging the Expanse

6 Episodes

Bridging the Expanse illustrates the technical achievements of erecting the world’s most fascinating bridges and the fascinating social and cultural legacy that goes with them.

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Bridging the Expanse
  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 1 - The Wonder of Bridges

    Episode 1

    From the first log thrust over a divide, bridges have united us, facilitating our need to explore and our desire to extend our mastery of physics. In this episode we look at bridges built by pre-industrial societies around the globe.

  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 2 - The Elegance of Iron

    Episode 2

    New materials spark evolution for bridge design throughout the Industrial Revolution; as societies shifted away from agrarian lifestyles, towards industrial economies. It’s all about iron and steel and the building of railways.

  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 3 - Baring All in Steel

    Episode 3

    The bridge building boom continues worldwide, with young engineers striving to innovate with bold, structures made with a shiny new metal. Undeterred by the Great Depression large infrastructure projects keep economies going.

  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 5 - Resilience is King

    Episode 4

    Designing bridges with a lifespan worthy of their considerable cost, is often easier said than done. For the best laid plans of engineers and architects often go awry.

  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 4 - The Making and Breaking of Icons

    Episode 5

    Amidst WW2, battles were fought and won for bridges. Key to strategic manoeuvring across land, historic structures were often targets to acquire or destroy during wartime.

  • Bridging the Expanse: Episode 6 - Building into the Future

    Episode 6

    An era defined by greater collaboration between artists, architects and engineers. Their combined expertise pushes design principles to question of the fundamental purpose or mechanics of new structures.