The New Blood Heats consisted of two three-way melees and then head-to-head battles, the two winners of the latter would fight, and the remaining robot would be sent to the Grand Finals. The champions would gain automatic entry to The Seventh Wars.
Up Next in Robot Wars - Extreme 2
Robot Wars, Extreme 2 - Episode 7
The New Blood heats continue as six more robots come to test their metal. One of the competitors takes a beating from the house robots, will it spell the end of their time in the competition?
Robot Wars, Extreme 2 - Episode 8
The arena welcomes six new combatants during the third round of the heats. One competitor that seemingly lacks a weapon, surprises the judges. The two new house robots both get a chance to attack.
Robot Wars, Extreme 2 - Episode 9
The Fourth and last heat to decide which robots will make it to the final. Refbot loses his patience and starts inflicting harm on the competitors.